Designing the Museum Archive Building
Craig Rhodes, Architect and SHHM Trustee has designed an archive building for SHHM which will house and protect, with temperature control and proper storage, our archival materials and fragile parts of our collection, like our clothing collection and Annie's original art. Craig will speak to the design and functionality of this addition to our property.
History of the South Ferry
Captain Cliff Clark will share with us the very colorful history of the South Ferry to Shelter Island. Join us at Christ Episcopal Church at the corner of Union Street and Route 114, for this "not-to--be-missed" event.
Help Clean Headstones in the Old Burying Ground
Weather permitting, all this week (May 19 - 24), Joel Snodgrass, Stone Conservator & Project Director, and Zach Studenroth, President SHHM will be working on righting, cleaning and restoring the 12 Beebee headstones in the Old Burying Ground. Six (6) were severly damaged during the Hurricane of 1938, requiring true restoration techniques; six others require cleaning and righting. Consider this an open invitation to join us with the latter efforts. Come help us clean the stones and learn more about Sag Harbor's incredible history while you work.
Students Get Hands on Restoration Experience
Students from the Sag Harbor Schools will get hands-on experience repairing the Beebee headstones in the Old Burying Ground assisting Joel Snodgrass, Stone Conservator & Project Director and Zach Studenroth, President SHHM.
Old Burying Ground Tour - The Restored BeeBee Headstones
In Sag Harbor's Old Burying Ground, the group of 12 Beebee family headstones was severely damaged in the Hurricane of 1938 and have remained broken in multiple pieces and partially buried since that time. This restoration project, funded by a grant from the Robert David Lion Gardiner Foundation, undertook the conservation treatment and repair of 6 of these stones. The stones were selected because of the deteriorated condition and because as a group, they tell a story of the Beebee family in Sag Harbor, the patriarch of which was Captain Lester Beebee, who distinguished himself during the Revolutionary War. Come see the results of these preservation efforts.
As the semiquincentennial (250th) anniversary of the Revolution and the Declaration of Independence in 2026 is fast approaching, the completion of this project complements another project the Museum has undertaken - revealing the British fort which was built on the summit of the Old Burying Ground during the Revolution, when the British occupied Sag Harbor for 7 years.
"Restoring the Stones" Walking Tour of the Old Burying Ground
Back by popular demand, Zach Studenroth, SHHM President, will be conducting a series of 4 different walking tours of the Old Burying Ground one on each of the last Sundays of June, July, August and September. Meet at the flagpole at Union and Church Streets. Attendance is free; donations are appreciated.
The burying ground preserves over 350 headstones and footstones, some broken in pieces on the ground, others tilting ominously, or partially buried. Which can be repaired and preserved? Does stone type (brownstone, slate, marble) matter? What methods and materials are used in restoring gravemarkers and can volunteers help? The Robert D.L. Gardiner Foundation funded restoration of 20 patriots' gravemarkers in the Old Sag Harbor Burying Ground, and their conditions and treatments illustrate the range of techniques available in the preservation of historic headstones.
Annual Fundraiser "History Beneath Our Feet"
On the lawn of the Custom House, 192 Main Street, Sag Harbor.

Sag Harbor Express Since 1859
The Sag Harbor Express has been Sag Harbor's newspaper since 1859.
Join us on the porch, Sunday July 20th as Kathryn & Gavin Menu, co-publishers and Bryan Boyhan, SHHM Vice President and former editor and publisher of The Sag Harbor Express regale us with stories from the newspaper's long and colorful past.
Attendance is free.

"Patriots of the Revolution" Walking Tour of the Old Burying Ground
Back by popular demand, Zach Studenroth, SHHM President, will be conducting a series of 4 different walking tours of the Old Burying Ground one on each of the last Sundays of June, July, August and September. Meet at the flagpole at Union and Church Streets. Attendance is free; donations are appreciated.
Twenty patriots and veterans of the American Revolution are buried at the Old Sag Harbor Burying Grounds. The youngest, Frederick Fordham, died at age 17 after enduring capture and confinement on a British prison ship in Wallabout Bay, New York Harbor. Captain Lester Beebee survived the war, became a noted ship builder, and constructed a windmill now preserved on the Berwind Estate in Bridgehampton. These and other patriots demonstrate the frightening circumstances that confronted Sag Harbor's residents during wartime and the human cost of their service.
"Ithuel Hill: Long Island's First Stone Carver" Walking Tour of the Old Burying Ground
Back by popular demand, Zach Studenroth, SHHM President, will be conducting a series of 4 different walking tours of the Old Burying Ground one on each of the last Sundays of June, July, August and September. Meet at the flagpole at Union and Church Streets. Attendance is free; donations are appreciated.
Sag Harbor's illustrious, notorious, and colorful residents have left their records in the old Burying Ground. From young John Peirson and Nathaniel Baker, who were "unfortunately killed by the accidental discharge of a cannon while celebrating the return of peace" in 1815, to the artistic work of Ithuel Hill, Long Island's first resident stone carver, the old Sag Harbor Burying Ground preserves the history and personal records of its early settlers. The gravesites of African Americans and Portuguese immigrants, who contributed to the growth and prosperity of the village, will also be visited.

"Illustrious & Notorious" Walking Tour of the Old Burying Ground
Back by popular demand, Zach Studenroth, SHHM President, will be conducting a series of 4 different walking tours of the Old Burying Ground one on each of the last Sundays of June, July, August and September. Meet at the flagpole at Union and Church Streets. Attendance is free; donations are appreciated.
Sag Harbor's illustrious, notorious, and colorful residents have left their records in the old Burying Ground. From young John Peirson and Nathaniel Baker, who were "unfortunately killed by the accidental discharge of a cannon while celebrating the return of peace" in 1815, to the artistic work of Ithuel Hill, Long Island's first resident stone carver, the old Sag Harbor Burying Ground preserves the history and personal records of its early settlers. The gravesites of African Americans and Portuguese immigrants, who contributed to the growth and prosperity of the village, will also be visited.

Preservation as a Creative Art
This special event is co-sponsored by Preservation Long Island (PLI), the Sag Harbor Historical Museum, and The Church. Come to The Church at 48 Madison Street. Reserve tickets by visiting The Church Sag Harbor website - CLICK HERE.
From rehabilitation to restoration to public acquisition, the act of preservation requires inspiration and vision. It communicates the values of a culture it looks to preserve, as well as creating standards of culture in the process. It is itself a creative act.
We invite you to explore architecture and design from this perspective with Jess Frost, executive director and co-founder of the Arts Center at Duck Creek in Springs, Matilde Guidelli Guidi, curator and curatorial department head of the Dia Art Foundation, and Lee Skolnick, architect and renovator of The Church. Using their respective institutions as examples, the participants will illuminate the art of preservation.
The conversation will be moderated by Paul Bentel, a practicing architect, professor at Columbia University, architectural historian, and preservation advocate who will bring a unique and unifying voice to the dynamic discussion. Following the presentation there will be a Q&A.
Photo by Michael Heller

Reinterpretation of the Shingle Style Architecture of the Maycroft Estate
"Occasionally a project will challenge every principle an architect holds dear. Originally built in 1885, the Maycroft estate in 2004 was neither salvageable nor restorable. Though listed on the National Register, Maycroft’s historical importance resided in its silhouette on the horizon of Sag Harbor Village: an image engrained in the minds of an entire community. So, when other architects recommended demolition, Merrell Soule Architects proposed a different approach, one that later came to be understood as Reinterpretation. Today, Maycroft remains on the National Register, and on the Village horizon, yet little else of the original remains." Source: Merrell Soule Architects website.
Join us at Christ Episcopal Church at the corner of Union Street and Route 114, for this fascinating presentation by Jim Merrell, revealing details of the reinterpretation of Maycroft.

2024-5 Annual Appeal
We all know that Sag Harbor is a place that counts. Please help us continue to preserve and share Sag Harbor's rich history during our Annual Appeal.

It's A Party
In appreciation and gratitude, SHHM invites members, friends, and the village to a party at a private residence in Sag Harbor. Attendance is limited; RSVP is required at or 631.725.5092 by November 2nd.

Sunday on the Porch: Schmitz, a Real Family Business
Heidi Schmitz Tolley & Hilary Schmitz will share the history of this family-owned business, established by their parents and now run by these sisters.
Final 2024 Walking Tour of the Old BuryingGround: "Illustrious & Notorious"
Walking Tour of the Old Burying Ground​
"Illustrious & Notorious" Hosted by Zach Studenroth
Location: Meet at the flagpole Union & Church at 2:00 pm
Entrance: Free to one and all
Sag Harbor's illustrious, notorious, and colorful residents have left their records in the Old Burying Ground. Young John Peirson and Nathaniel Baker, who were "unfortunately killed by the accidental discharge of a cannon while celebrating the return of peace" in 1815 are just two examples. The Old Sag Harbor Burying Ground preserves the history and personal records of its early settlers.
This is the final walking tour in 2024. See you next year.

Sunday on the Porch: The History of Canio's Bookstore
Maryann Calendrille and Kathryn Szoka will share the colorful history of this unique bookstore. Canio’s Books has been a literary gathering place for all in Sag Harbor for 44 years. Established by Canio Pavone in 1980, Calendrille and Szoka took over the "perfect bookstore" in 1999. The requirement for books to be on Canio's shelves is that they all "are very well written and worth reading". And this is not just a bookstore, they have readings, art receptions, photography and writing workshops, and Canio's Cultural Cafe hosts lectures, seminars and other public forums. Let the ladies explain the Moby-Dick Marathon and more.

"Enslaved at the Custom House: Luxury & Labor in 18th Century Sag Harbor"
Donnamarie Barnes and David Rattray, co-directors of the Plain Sight Project, present new research on the enslaved people living and working at the Custom House in Sag Harbor. The Custom House was the home and office of Henry Packer Dering, who was appointed the Collector of Customs at the federal port of Sag Harbor by George Washington in 1790 . The Derings were a prominent family with properties in both Sag Harbor and on Shelter Island, and their wealth depended on the labor of enslaved communities. This talk draws connections between the Dering and Sylvester Manor on Shelter Island and highlights new research about the enslaved people who lived and worked at the Custom House. The Plain Sight Project works to situate these stories within the broader context of slavery on the East End of Long Island and presents it's finding to the broader public. Click HERE to view the video recording of the entire lecture & discussion.
The Custom House will open for self-guided tours at 3pm, and the lecture will begin on the lawn at 4pm. Attendance is free. Light refreshments will be served.
RSVP: email - or call 631.725.5902

2024 Exhibit Opening "Sag Harbor Summers 1882-1907"
"The Life of a 19th Century Sag Harbor Woman told through the Clothing of the Period and her Writings"
Annie Cooper Boyd was a life-long resident of Sag Harbor, an artist, and a prolific diarist throughout her life. Raised in the house next door, Annie raised her family in this sweet cottage, now known locally as the Annie Cooper Boyd House.
This year our exhibit has been co-curated by two exceptionally talented and qualified women, Mary Jane Marcasiano, a costume designer, and Alex McNear, a writer and editor. Together they spent the winter getting to know Annie, through her diaries, artwork, photos, and clothing. They have created a unique exhibit sharing what they learned about this fascinating woman and offering visitors a glimpse into a women’s life on the East End between 1882 and 1907. The exhibit encompasses activities that Annie loved and that Sag Harborites still enjoy today. And of course, every summer season starts with a train trip out from the city!
Please come and enjoy this charming exhibit, opening on Saturday May 18th at 4:00 p.m.

Sunday on the Porch: "The Life of a 19th Century Sag Harbor Woman told through the Clothing of the Period and her Writings"
Mary Jane Marcasiano, SHHM Trustee and costume designer, and Alex McNear, writer and editor, teamed up this year to create our unique exhibit about "The Life of a 19th Century Sag Harbor woman told through the Clothing of the Period and her Writings" and specifically Annie Cooper Boyd.
Annie Cooper Boyd was a life-long resident of Sag Harbor, an artist, and a prolific diarist throughout her life. Raised in the house next door, Annie raised her family in this sweet cottage, now known locally as the Annie Cooper Boyd House and the headquarters of the Sag Harbor Historical Museum.
Sunday afternoon, July 14th, Marcasiano and McNear will share with you their journey and the choices they made to create an exhibit that reveals not only Annie but what a woman's life was like on the East End between 1882 and 1907, through Annie's clothing, her writings, and her art.
Join us on the porch at 5:00 p.m. for light libations and colorful stories. Entrance is free.
A Place That Counts
A Place That Counts Sag Harbor Village
- First record of Sag Harbor 1707
- First Patriot Victory on Long Island in the Revolutionary War
- First Official Port of Entry in the United States 1789
- More tons of square-rigged vessels engaged in commerce than New York City
A Place That Counts The Sag Harbor Historical Museum
- Building historical awareness through architectural Preservation
- Interpreting our past through tours and events
- Teaching our youth Sag Harbor's history
- Creatiing an archive for Sag Harbor artifacts
And in 2024, we are launching an exploration to reveal the Revolutionary War British Fort in our midst!
On June 29th, the museum is having its annual party on the Custom House Lawn. Please help us by becoming a Sponsor or buying tickets to this event - Why? Because Sag Harbor is A Place That Counts!

Architectural Tours of the Old Whalers' Church & Christ Episcopal Church
Please join us for architectural tours of two of Sag Harbor's gems, the Old Whalers' Church at 44 Union Street, and Christ Episcopal Church at 5 Hampton Street, just a stone's throw away.
Randy Croxton, President of Croxton Collaborative Architects will begin the Whalers' Church tour at 2:00 pm, and the tour of Christ Church will begin immediately following that led by Zachary Studenroth, Architectural Historian, and Rev. Dr. Cecily Broderick-Guerra, Priest-in-Charge.
Please join us for this very special event revealing the architectural history and details of these two Sag Harbor treasures.
Walking Tours of the Old Burying Ground
Back by popular demand, Zach Studenroth, SHHM Vice President & Trustee, will be conducting walking tours of the Old Burying Ground between Sunday May 26th and Sunday September 22nd. Tours will be held once a month Meet at the flagpole at Union and Church Streets. Entrance is free.
May 26 and September 22: "Restoring the Stones"
June 23: "Patriots of the Revolution"
July 21: "Ithuel Hill: Long Island's First Stone Carver"
August 25: "Illustrious & Notorious"

History & Architecture of Temple Ada Israel
Join us for an “unveiling” of the newly renovated Temple Adas Israel. Originally built in 1898, the three-year renovation was completed in 2023. Rabbi Daniel Geffen will conduct a tour of the Temple and Karl Grossman, will give a presentation of “The (Unusual) Jewish History of Sag Harbor”.
Originally Temple Mischan Israel, the temple is the Oldest Synagogue on Long Island and the proud owner of the Torah used by the Rough Riders who returned after the Spanish-American War and were quarantined in Montauk because of yellow fever. When the quarantine was ended, Teddy Roosevelt donated the Torah to the nearest temple, which was in Sag Harbor.
“Like many American factory owners, Joseph Fahys relied on immigrant labor, including Russian, Polish, and Hungarian Jews. According to the 1900 Sag Harbor census, approximately 100 Jewish men worked” in the Fahys watchcase factory at that time.
Sag Harbor’s Jewish population has added a richness to its economic and cultural past. Please join us to learn more in an afternoon of history and architecture.
Location: Temple Adas Israel
Corner of Atlantic Avenue & Elizabeth St
Admission: Free
RSVP: by April 10th
2023 Annual Appeal
Our mission is to work for the preservation of Sag Harbor's history, its historic buildings, sites, artifacts, documents, letters, ledgers and Annie Cooper Boyd's art.

Book Launch Gathering at 189 Main Street, Sag Harbor
Join us Sunday afternoon Nov 19th between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m., for the launching of Preserving Sag Harbor The Historical District After 50 Years 1973-2023 by Zachary Studenroth. Preserving Sag Harbor tells the extraordinary story of how Sag Harbor has preserved its most iconic and historic buildings, structures and sites. It would make a great holiday gift for those who love Sag Harbor and its rich history, as we do.
The book launch is being held in the historic home of Bert & Shannah Stern (circa 1890s), at 189 Main Street, across the street from the Museum. Come meet the author, enjoy this historic building and Bert's iconic photographic art, and share light refreshments with us while we celebrate this historic occasion.
Patrons will be able to pick up their bundled copies at this time; and, those who have pre-ordered Studenroth's Preserving Sag Harbor can also collect their copies then.
If you haven't yet reserved your copy and would like to, please do so by clicking here to enter our online Bookstore. Your copy will be waiting for you on the 19th or can be picked up at the Museum, by appointment. Email or call 631.725.5092.
See you on the 19th!

Become a Patron and support Preserving Sag Harbor The Historic District After 50 Years 1973-2023
The Sag Harbor Historical Museum is proud to announce the upcoming publication of Preserving Sag Harbor The Historic District After 50 Years 1973-2023! The book tells the extraordinary story of how Sag Harbor has preserved its most iconic and historic buidlings, structures and sites.
For this occasion, Robert H. Pine's transformative survet published in 1973 Sag Harbor Past, Present and Future will be reprinted in a limited edition as a companion volume. Long out-of-print, this important study illustrates the appearance of Sag Harbor's historic buildings as they looked 50 years ago.
Please support these publications and Become a Patron. For a donation of $100, you will receive both books and your name will be listed in Preserving Sag Harbor The Historic District After 50 Years 1973-2023 as a supporting Patron. The deadline for Patron listing is Sunday October 15, 2023.

Honoring John Steinbeck, One of the Founders of HarborFest
Back in 1963, the author John Steinbeck was a resident of Sag Harbor. He created a Round Table Group of men who gathered weekly to share stories and libations. It was John and his Round Table friends who dreamed up the idea of "The Old Whalers' Festival" to bring attention to Sag Harbor. Steinbech was the first Chair of the Festival. As with most things, they change over time, and the Old Whalers' Festival has grown and is now known as HarborFest.
Steinbeck House, a project of the Sag Harbor Partnership, and the Sag Harbor Historical Museum will be on Long Wharf both Saturday and Sunday Sep 16th & 17th, sharing stories not only of Sag Harbor's history but of Steinbeck's contributions to Sag Harbor.

Opening: 2023 Exhibit "Preserving Sag Harbor: The Art of Annie Cooper Boyd"
Annie Burnham Cooper began drawing as a young girl and continued to draw, sketch and paint, throughout her marriage to William Boyd and for the remainder of her seventy-seven year life. Born in 1864, photography had not made its debut, so many pieces of Annie's art show areas and buildings in Sag Harbor that are not seen anywhere else. Come join us to enjoy some exquisite pieces of Annie's art in our collection depicting buildings in and around the village.
Admission is free. Donations are always appreciated.

"Schiavoni's Market - All 91 Years"
It's a family affair at Schiavoni's Market and has been since the beginning: July 1932, Vincent & Gabriel opened the first Schiavoni's Market. Husbands & wives, brothers, sons, and grandsons have all contributed to the successful enterprise we all know today. Oh, and I did mention wives? Everyone has pitched in, and Michael Schiavoni will share with you stories of the travails and the triumphs, that have brought the store and the family to today. Join us, on the porch at the Annie Cooper Boyd House (174 Main Street) to hear Michael Schiavoni tell us more about more Sag Harbor's colorful history.

"Keeping History Alive" on the Lawn of the Custom House 192 Main Street
"Keeping History Alive" is the theme for the Museum's 2023 fundraising event.
One might say that the Museum's mission is "Keeping History Alive", if it were to be articulated in only three words; but, the Museum is not the only one contributing to this endeavor. This year the Sag Harbor Historical Museum is proud to be honoring three Main Street business icons and the visionaries who created them. These individuals and families have not only protected Sag Harbor's history but they each have contributed to the village's history over the last 50 years.
Ted Conklin of The American Hotel
Nada Barry & Gwen Waddington of the Wharf Shop
Roseann Bucking & Lisa Field of the Sag Harbor Variety Store
These individuals have steadfastly operated with a passionate commitment to the Sag Harbor community, to the families and friends that comprise or visit it, and to the vision they each had for the business and how it would fit into our community. Over the 50 years they have operated, they have weathered all of the economic ups and downs and come out the other side unchanged, and even more committed to their vision and uncompromising in their values. As many lament the "passing of the old fashioned Main Street", Sag Harbor and these businesses have remained committed to it and have fiercely protected it. Sag Harbor's Main Street is not a cookie cutter of so many these days, having only specialty stores and designer boutiques. We have these three unique, family-owned Main Street businesses, the likes of which cannot be found any where else. We praise them for their contribution to keeping Sag Harbor's alive for the past 50 years.
Please join us in celebrating these three history-making business establishments and their founders, and help us in our continuing efforts "Keeping History Alive".

"Fifty Years in Sag Harbor's Restaurants" by Jack Tagliasacchi, owner Il Capuccino
Before owning and running the Italian restaurant Il Capuccino for 50 years, Jack Tagliasacchi was a chef, then manager, then part-owner of Baron's Cove. Jack was also one of the founders of the Sag Harbor Chamber of Commerce. Jack is full of fun and funny stories about life in Sag Harbor's restaurant business and he'll share it all with us in our Sunday on the Porch at the Annie Cooper Boyd House, 174 Main Street.

Vote Yes May 16th on School Budget PROP # 4
Sag Harbor School Budget Vote
May 16th 2023
Why is this in the school budget?
Under NY State Education Law, sections 253 and 256, a museum is allowed to contract with its school district to receive financial support.
What would your “Yes” vote do?
Provide the Museum with $75,000 for the general use, maintenance, and capital improvements of the Annie Cooper Boyd House, circa 1760, the museum’s headquarters.
What would your “Yes” vote mean?
A $75,000 tax levy that would cost taxpayers only $6.48 per year for a home valued at $1 million.
Please help us preserve our village’s history.
Preservation Forum #3: Preserving of Village Heritage
Join us our third Preservation Forum - "Preserving Our Village Heritage" held in Christ Episcopal Church at 5 Hampton Street, Sag Harbor. The goal of this forum is "to review the responsibilities of each of the Village Boards and the specific codes they use to make determinations". Randy Croxton will be the event moderator for the forum panel, consisting of representatives of the following Village Boards: Zoning Board of Appeals, the Planning Board, the Harbor Committee, and the Board of Historic Preservation & Architectural Review.
Panelists will discuss the preservation oversight process: the Village role and the resources (organizational & financial) available to the village and to homeowners to help navigate that process. Our aim is to increase transparency, to facilitate learning, and to 'de-mystify' the day-to-day practical details required for the successful management of preserving history.
Entrance is free; donations are always appreciated.
Preservation Forum "Preserving Our Village Heritage"
Join us a Preservation Forum - "Preserving Our Village Heritage" held in Christ Episcopal Church at 5 Hampton Street, Sag Harbor. The goal of this forum is "to review the responsibilities of each of the Village Boards and the specific codes they use to make determinations". Randy Croxton will be the event moderator for the forum panel, consisting of Jeanne Kane, Chair of the Zoning Board of Appeals, John Shaka, Chair of the Planning Board, Will Sharp, Harbor Committee Chairman, and Steve Williams, Chairman of the Board of Historic Preservation & Architectural Review.
Panelists will discuss the preservation oversight process: the Village role and theresources (organizational & financial) available to the village and to homeownersto help navigate that process. Our aim is to increase transparency, to facilitate learning, andto 'de-mystify' the day-to-day practical details required for the successful management of preserving history.
Entrance is free; donations are always appreciated.
Candle Light Stroll & Caroling with The Dickens Carolers
Let's all meet at the Annie Cooper Boyd House to share some holiday cheer and sing along with The Dickens Carolers. Kindly bring a battery-operated candle and join us at 5:00 p.m. for a candlelight-stroll down Main Street to the annual Christmas Tree Lighting at Long Wharf.

2022 Annual Appeal
Our mission is to work for the preservation of Sag Harbor's history, its historic buildings, sites, artifacts, documents, letters, ledgers and Annie Cooper Boyd's art..
Annie's Field of Jack O'Lanterns
Halloween fun is had by one and all, young and old, at the annual SHHS Annie's Field of Jack O'Lanterns. Carve your pumpkin, at home, any way you want - traditional, original, artsy or just plain crazy. Get a battery-operated candle and bring them to be displayed along the porch at the Annie Cooper Boyd House. It's always fun and sometimes funny!

Music in the Harbor
The very musical Beyer family has lived in Sag Harbor for generations. Bruce Beyer will share the musical side of Sag Harbor - Past, Present & maybe a little about the Future.
Sunday on the Porch: Images of Sag Harbor Discovered
Randy Kolhoff, owner of Black Swan Antiques, will share recently discovered photos of Sag Harbor in the days of yore.

The History of Mashashimuet Park - Opening of the 2022 Exhibit
Mashashimuet Park is not only a centerpiece in Sag Harbor but has been the center for community, school and family events for generations. In 1908, Sag Harbor benefactress, Mrs. Russell Sage, began the process to create what would later be named Mashashimuet Park for the youth and families of the area. You remember Mrs. Sage from Bethany Deyermond's video describing how much she did for the village of Sag Harbor (click here). William Wallace Tooker named the park "Mashashimuet", Algonquin for "Place of the Great Springs".Let's celebrate this centerpiece together. Come join us for the Opening of this year's Exhibit "The History of Mashashimuet Park".

Walking Tours of the Old Burying Ground
Back by popular demand, Zach Studenroth, SHHS Vice President & Trustee, will be conducting walking tours of the Old Burying Ground between Sunday May 29th and Sunday September 4th. Tours will be held every other Sunday and the series of 4 different tours will be conducted twice. Meet at the flagpole at Union and Church Streets. members & students free; Non-members $10 each.
May 29 and July 24: "Restoring the Stones"
June 12 and August 7: "Patriots of the Revolution"
June 26 and August 21: "Ithuel Hill: Long Island's First Stone Carver"
July 10 and September 4: "Illustrious & Notorious"

SHHS Annual Meeting
A hallmark of the coming season is always the Sag Harbor Historical Society's Annual Meeting which will be held this year on Saturday May 21st at the Society's headquarters at 174 Main Street. It begins at 3:00 p.m. with opening remarks by our President, Nancy French Achenbach. Nancy will introduce the new and re-appointed trustees at that time, as well as the 2022 roster of SHHS officers. Each year, the Dorothy Ingersoll Zaykowski Award for contributions to the appreciation and preeservation of Sag Harbor history is awarded at this time and the recipient of the Espach Scholarship will also be announced. The meeting is open to all members (and "wannabes"). Come meet your Board and kick off the 2022 season among friends.
"Light Up the Harbor" Celebration
Sunday December 17th at 2:00 p.m. join us - outdoors at the Annie Cooper Boyd House, 174 Main Street - for some community fun at our Holiday Celebration, featuring The Dickens Carolers. There will be sing-along caroling, refreshments and awards will be given to the four houses recognized this year for the creativity, originality, and enthusiasm vested in their luminous decorations.
Please join us!

2021 Annual Appeal
2021 has been a year in which the Society has been sharpening its focus and energies to more effectively engage the public, residents and visitors alike, in Sag Harbor and the preservation of its history – not just through exhibits covering aspects of the past but in creating history as well.
2021 in Review. SHHS:
- Completed the front-lawn project, re-landscaping the space in front of the ACB House to stage outdoor events
- Reorganized archival documents in a central location within the museum, inventoried the SHHS library and costume collections, and digitized the majority of Annie Cooper Boyd’s art collection. All such efforts are to ensure that the collections can be more easily accessed.
- Created, in partnership with Preservation Long Island, a Preservation Forum, – a three-part series addressing the importance of preservation, Sag Harbor’s current historical designations, how to initiate preservation and how to work with the village’s historic preservation ordinance.
- Featured two exhibits: “Beachcombing for Evidence of Sag Harbor History” by Jean Held & “The History of Immigration in Sag Harbor” by Aubrey Peterson
- Presented: “Winds of Change: The Evolving Sag Harbor Landscape”; “Researching Your Irish Heritage”; “The Four Sag Harbor Firemen who Died during WWII”; and “Sheridan’s Hard Hitters”
- Conducted tours: 22 walking tours of historic locations for 200 students, led by SHHS Trustees; co-sponsored Zach Studenroth’s Tours of the Old Burying Ground with the DAR – Southampton Colony Chapter; created a Walking Tour video of Sag Harbor
- Broadcast and spotlighted through newsletter emails, Facebook & Blogs: All upcoming events & images/videos of events after-the-fact
- Initiated a conservation project hiring a consultant to guide us in preserving and protecting the art collection of Annie Cooper Boyd on paper, framed and on walls.
All that we accomplished this year was due to the tireless efforts of volunteers, trustees and friends. They are your friends, neighbors and often family, and your support reinforces their commitment to giving us their valuable, creative time. Please help us by making a generous contribution to our Annual Appeal. Sag Harbor’s colorful and varied history has many lessons to help and reinforce our community now and in the future.

Candlelight Stroll & Village Tree-Lighting
On Saturday December 4th, 2021 at 4:45 PM the Sag Harbor Historical Society invites you to meet freinds and neighbors, outdoors, at the Annie Cooper Boyd House (174 Main Street) for a Candlelight Stroll down Main Street to the Village tree-lighting on Long Wharf. Please bring a battery-operated candle and be ready for some community fun!

"Light Up the Harbor" Kick-Off Event
"Light Up the Harbor" once again!
As the holidays approach the Sag Harbor Historical Society (SHHS) is inviting the community to “Light Up the Harbor”. We encourage you to bring light into our days and nights by decorating your homes and creating a village filled with light, love and spirit!
Wherever you live, Sag Harbor, North Haven, Noyac or Mount Misery, let’s get excited about this season of light - and see if we can make Sag Harbor look like one of the towns in a Hallmark movie!
Recognition prizes will be awarded Sunday December 19th to four homes that show creativity, originality, and/or enthusiasm, in their holiday decorations. All entries are truly appreciated.
If you would like to submit your home for consideration, please take a photo and send it to or call the Historical Society at 631-725-5092 by no later than the end of Sunday December 12th. Please include your name, address, email address and phone number.
A video will be made and posted celebrating all of the home submissions.

Preserving Sag Harbor: Architectural History and Preservation Policy
Over the next several months, Preservation Long Island and the Sag Harbor Historical Society host The Sag Harbor Preservation Forum, a series of three separate discussion panels addressing various aspects of preserving the historic architecture and character of the village of Sag Harbor. These discussions will make a variety of experts and town officials available to answer your questions concerning these topics.
- “Preserving Sag Harbor: Architectural History and Preservation Policy”
- “How to Preserve what Sag Harbor Has”
- “The History of the Waterfront & Its Role in the Village”
The first in the series will be held Saturday, November 13th at 3:00 p.m., please join us for a virtual Zoom discussion about past and present efforts to preserve Sag Harbor’s architecture and historic character.
- Why are Sag Harbor’s old buildings important? How can we better preserve them?
- What are the unique advantages and responsibilities that flow from Sag Harbor being on the National Register of Historic Places?
- What challenges and opportunities lie ahead and how might we best meet them?
These questions will be addressed by Randolph Croxton, President of Croxton Collaborative Architects, and Sarah Kautz, Preservation Director - Preservation Long Island.
Randy will share insights about the remarkable historic architecture found within the Sag Harbor Village National Register Historic District, while Sarah will explain the relationship between the National Register and the village’s historic preservation ordinance.
Please register online via Preservation Long Island’s Eventbrite webpage. You will receive an email with a Zoom link after registering. There is no charge for participating.
Our sincere thanks go out to our sponsors: Preservation Long Island, Susan Mead, and Michael Graff & Carol Ostrow. Events about important topics like preserving Sag Harbor would not be possible without support from sponsors like these.

Brothers in Arms: The East End Men of the 6th New York Cavalry in the Civil War
"Brothers in Arms" is a richly illustrated presentation by Steve Gould and inspired by a soldier's cap found in a museum basement. It is the story of several young men from the East End who volunteered to fight for the Union in 1862. The presentation explores the experiences of camp life and combat during the Civil War. It is also a deeply personal story of brother against brother, sacrifice and healing. There is no charge for participating.

Annie's Field of Jack-o'-Lanterns
Come one! Come all! Saturday October 30th between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m., bring your carved pumpkins with a battery powered light to the Annie Cooper Boyd House at 174 Main Street in Sag Harbor. They will be displayed along the porch and fence Saturday and Sunday for everyone to see. Help us light up Halloween!
"Stories on the Stones" - A Tour of the Old Burying Ground
LOCATION: Old Burying Ground, 34 Union Street PARKING: Old Whalers' Church, 44 Union Street LIMIT: 15 Participants
Tour #1: Aug 22nd: "Stories on the Stones"
Sag Harbor's illustrious, notorious, and colorful residents have left their records in the old Burying Ground. From young John Peirson and Nathaniel Baker, who were "unfortunately killed by the accidental discharge of a cannon while celebrating the return of peace" in 1815, to the artistic work of Ithuel Hill, Long Island's first resident stone carver, the old Sag Harbor Burying Ground preserves the history and personal records of its early settlers. The gravesites of African Americans and Portuguese immigrants, who contributed to the growth and prosperity of the village, will also be visited.
Zach Studenroth, who is a principal in the Burying Ground Preservation Group, Inc. and an historic preservation consultant to the Village of Sag Harbor, will be hosting 3 tours of the Old Burying Ground on the 6 Sundays between August 1st and September 5th. He'll run the program of three tours, each with a separate theme, twice. Tours are sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) - Southampton Colony Chapter, in partnership with the Sag Harbor Historical Society. Recent restoration work on the 20 American Revolutionary War patriots' gravesites, funded in part by the Robert D.L. Gardiner Foundation, will be featured in the tours.
FEE: Members free; Non-members $10. Check-in and payments (cash or check payable to SHHS please) at the Burying Ground on the day of the event

Drawing for Raffle for Marder's Gift Certificate
Take a chance!!!
Have you ever dreamed of re-landscaping or dressing up your yard or garden, but just couldn't?
Well now you have a chance to do just that. Buy a raffle ticket or two, or three, or more, and get a chance or chances to win a $1,200 Marder's Gift Certificate. Fill your garden with Spring bulbs, plant assorted greenery throughout your yard, or do some Christmas shopping in Marder's charming Barn Store. Let your imagination have some fun with the possibility of such a win!
Buy online on the Events page of our website by clicking here. Or, by stopping by the Annie Cooper Boyd House at 174 Main Street between 11:00 and 2:30 p.m. on Saturday or Sunday.
Drawing will now take place at the Annie Cooper Boyd House on the final day of Sag Harbor's Harborfest, Sunday September 12th.
Sale proceeds will help SHHS in its work to:
- preserve Sag Harbor's historical buildings and sites,
- foster the preservation of the village's historical character, and
- educate the public about and increase appreciation of Sag Harbor's rich and colorful past.
Our special thanks to Marder's for this tremendous show of support for Sag Harbor's Historical Society.
Buy a chance! $10.00 for one ticket / $45 for 5 !

Walking Tour Video of Sag Harbor Sat. & Sun.
We're Open - Stop By and Say Hi!
Saturday 9/11 and Sunday 9/12, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.
Stroll through our two exhibits "Beachcombing for Evidence of Sag Harbor History and 'Then & Now: A Story of Immigration in Sag Harbor".
At 11:00 a.m., 12:00 p.m., 1:00 p.m., and 2:00 p.m. at the Annie Cooper Boyd House at 174 Main Street, rest a while and watch our narrated video walking tour of Sag Harbor. Created by Nancy Remkus and narrated by several other SHHS Trustees and members. We bet you'll learn something new about our unique village.
And at closing time on Sunday (3:00 p.m.), the raffle drawing for the $1,200 Marder's gift certificate will take place. You needn't be here to win. Raffle tickets are $10 for one and 5 for $45. Buy tickets at the Annie Cooper Boyd House Saturday and Sunday until 2:30 p.m. or online by clicking here.
"Sag Harbor's Patriots" - A Tour of the Old Burying Ground
LOCATION: Old Burying Ground, 34 Union Street PARKING: Old Whalers' Church, 44 Union Street LIMIT: 15 Participants
Tour #2: Aug 29th: "Sag Harbor's Patriots"
Twenty patriots and veterans of the American Revolution are buried at the Old Sag Harbor Burying Grounds. Tge youngest, Frederick Fordham, died at age 17 after enduring capture and confinement on a British prison ship in Wallabout Bay, New York Harbor. Captain Lester Beebee survived the war, became a noted ship builder, and constructed a windmill now preserved on the Berwind Estate in Bridgehampton. These and other patriots demonstrate the frightening circumstances that confronted Sag Harbor's residents during wartime and the human cost of their service.
Zach Studenroth, who is a principal in the Burying Ground Preservation Group, Inc. and an historic preservation consultant to the Village of Sag Harbor, will be hosting 3 tours of the Old Burying Ground on the 6 Sundays between August 1st and September 5th. He'll run the program of three tours, each with a separate theme, twice. Tours are sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) - Southampton Colony Chapter, in partnership with the Sag Harbor Historical Society. Recent restoration work on the 20 American Revolutionary War patriots' gravesites, funded in part by the Robert D.L. Gardiner Foundation, will be featured in the tours.
FEE: Members free; Non-members $10. Check-in and payments (cash or check payable to SHHS please) at the Burying Ground on the day of the event
"Restoring the Stones" - A Tour of the Old Burying Ground
LOCATION: Old Burying Ground, 34 Union Street PARKING: Old Whalers' Church, 44 Union Street LIMIT: 15 Participants
Tour #3: Aug 15th: "Restoring the Stones"
The burying ground preserves over 350 headstones and footstones, some broken in pieces on the ground, others tilting ominously, or partially buried. Which can be repaired and preserved? Does stone type (brownstone, slate, marble) matter? What methods and materials are used in restoring gravemarkers and can volunteers help? The Robert D.L. Gardiner Foundation recently funded restoration of 20 patriots' gravemarkers in the Old Sag Harbor Burying Ground, and their conditions and treatments illustrate the range of techniques available in the preservation of historic headstones.
Zach Studenroth, who is a principal in the Burying Ground Preservation Group, Inc. and an historic preservation consultant to the Village of Sag Harbor, will be hosting 3 tours of the Old Burying Ground on the 6 Sundays between August 1st and September 5th. He'll run the program of three tours, each with a separate theme, twice. Tours are sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) - Southampton Colony Chapter, in partnership with the Sag Harbor Historical Society. Recent restoration work on the 20 American Revolutionary War patriots' gravesites, funded in part by the Robert D.L. Gardiner Foundation, will be featured in the tours.
RAIN DATE: In case of rain, this tour will be cancelled.
FEE: Members free; Non-members $10. Check-in and payments (cash or check payable to SHHS please) at the Burying Ground on the day of the event

Sunday on the Porch: "Story Glass Story Time"
This Sunday, Eliza Gatfield will enchant us all reading Story Glass, a beautifully illustrated, award-winning, early-reader chapter book by Billy Baldwin. The story features Jen, who has been transported to another and place when she touches a piece of enchanted sea glass. Trapped in this strange land, Jen befriends a group of Sand Fairies who help her overcome her fears and attempt to restore the key piece of glass to the magical Story Bottle from which it came. Does Jen have what it takes to get back home or will she be lost in time for eternity? Will she risk everything to beat the evil Story Wizard or will his secret remain hidden in the Story Bottle forever? Join us to find out the answers.
Sue and Al Daniels will also be on hand to share their sea-glass crafts.
Join us young and old, this is sure to be an entertaining afternoon.
'Sag Harbor's Patriot's" - A Tour of the Old Burying Ground
LOCATION: Old Burying Ground, 34 Union Street PARKING: Old Whalers' Church, 44 Union Street LIMIT: 15 Participants
Tour #2: Aug 8th: "Sag Harbor's Patriots"
Twenty patriots and veterans of the American Revolution are buried at the Old Sag Harbor Burying Grounds. The youngest, Frederick Fordham, died at age 17 after enduring capture and confinement on a British prison ship in Wallabout Bay, New York Harbor. Captain Lester Beebee survived the war, became a noted ship builder, and constructed a windmill now preserved on the Berwind Estate in Bridgehampton. These and other patriots demonstrate the frightening circumstances that confronted Sag Harbor's residents during wartime and the human cost of their service.
Zach Studenroth, who is a principal in the Burying Ground Preservation Group, Inc. and an historic preservation consultant to the Village of Sag Harbor, will be hosting 3 tours of the Old Burying Ground on the 6 Sundays between August 1st and September 5th. He'll run the program of three tours, each with a separate theme, twice. Tours are sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) - Southampton Colony Chapter, in partnership with the Sag Harbor Historical Society. Recent restoration work on the 20 American Revolutionary War patriots' gravesites, funded in part by the Robert D.L. Gardiner Foundation, will be featured in the tours.
RAIN DATE:In case of rain, this tour will be cancelled.
FEE: Members free; Non-members $10. Check-in and payments (cash or check payable to SHHS please) at the Burying Ground on the day of the event
"Stories on the Stones" - A Tour of the Old Burying Ground
LOCATION: Old Burying Ground, 34 Union Street PARKING: Old Whalers' Church, 44 Union Street LIMIT: 15 Participants
Tour #1: Aug 1st: "Stories on the Stones"
Sag Harbor's illustrious, notorious, and colorful residents have left their records in the old Burying Ground. From young John Peirson and Nathaniel Baker, who were "unfortunately killed by the accidental discharge of a cannon while celebrating the return of peace" in 1815, to the artistic work of Ithuel Hill, Long Island's first resident stone carver, the old Sag Harbor Burying Ground preserves the history and personal records of its early settlers. The gravesites of African Americans and Portuguese immigrants, who contributed to the growth and prosperity of the village, will also be visited.
Zach Studenroth, who is a principal in the Burying Ground Preservation Group, Inc. and an historic preservation consultant to the Village of Sag Harbor, will be hosting 3 tours of the Old Burying Ground on the 6 Sundays between August 1st and September 5th. He'll run the program of three tours, each with a separate theme, twice. Tours are sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) - Southampton Colony Chapter, in partnership with the Sag Harbor Historical Society. Recent restoration work on the 20 American Revolutionary War patriots' gravesites, funded in part by the Robert D.L. Gardiner Foundation, will be featured in the tours.
RAIN DATE: In the case of rain, this tour will be cancelled.
FEE: Members free; Non-members $10. Check-in and payments (cash or check payable to SHHS please) at the Burying Ground on the day of the event

2021 Exhibit: "Beachcombing for Evidence of Sag Harbor History - 80% Proof"
Our second exhibit for 2021: "Beachcombing for Evidence of Sag Harbor History - 80% Proof" by Jean Held is open.
Four years ago, the village dredged the west side of Long Wharf and piped the dredged material to Havens Beach. Since then Jean and a small group of other hearty-souls, have been collecting artifacts and researching their origins. This work continues to this day. In the exhibit are artifacts dating from the Revolutionary War to the present. The exhibit draws some conclusions from the evidence that's been collected. It's a fascinating glimpse into how Sag Harbor society has related to itself, the rest of the U.S., and the world for the last 250 years.
Come see the small treasures found at the bottom of our harbor and take in our other Exhibit, "Then and Now: A Story of Immigration in Sag Harbor" by Aubrey Peterson, at the same time.
Location and Times: Annie Cooper Boyd House, 174 Main Street, Saturdays & Sundays 1:00 - 4:00 p.m. to mid-October.

Sunday on the Porch: "Winds of Change: The Evolving Sag Harbor Landscape"
Michael Heller. Seen around town at the most interesting places, Michael is never without a camera and sometimes finds time to write too. He's documented the restoration of the Watch Case Factory, the fire and reconstruction of the Cinema, and the excavation & rebuilding of Long Wharf. Michael will discuss the "Winds of Change: The Evolving Sag Harbor Landscape". Don't miss it, it should be a lively discussion.
Yard Sale
Yard sale at Annie Cooper Boyd House, 174 Main Street, Sag Harbor, NY
SHHS Garden Tour
What is more soul-satisfying than a quiet stroll through a beautiful garden? Strolling through several? Of course. SHHS is proud to sponsor a Sag Harbor Garden Tour as a fundraising event this year. We have lined up six beautiful and very different gardens around the village, and April Gornik and Eric Fischl have graciously said they would open the newly renovated Methodist Church to our tour guests. No longer a place of worship, the building is now known as The Church and is an art center to be seen. The garden tour will start at the Annie Cooper Boyd House at 174 Main Street Sag Harbor, where you will be provided with a map of the tour-sites and a look at the wonderful garden-related raffle items. You may then walk or drive to the gardens of your choice. Docents at each site will be in charge of controlling the flow of people into the gardens, given the ongoing requirement to be vigilent about COVID-19 social distancing. Small city gardens, large country gardens, herb gardens and gardens with special species of plants - we think the variety will entertain you and we hope you join us.

2021 Annual Meeting
AGENDA includes:
Annual Report
Election of members of the Board of Trustees
2021 SHHS Exhibit: Sag Harbor's Immigrant History by Aubrey Peterson
June 19th: SHHS Garden Tour
"The Four Sag Harbor Firemen Who Made the Supreme Sacrifice in WWII" by Ed Deyermond

2021 Exhibit: Then & Now: A Story of Immigration in Sag Harbor"
Aubrey Peterson, an 18-year-old who has been a SHHS docent since his sixth-grade year, curated this year's exhibit, "Then & Now: A Story of Immigration in Sag Harbor". "All of us came from somewhere," says Aubrey in an interview with the Sag Harbor Express, "save for the Native Americans who have been here 11,000 years." Through a sequence of story boards, Aubrey encapsulates the immigration history of Sag Harbor with snapshots beginning with the Native Americans through to today's "new arrivals". Meaningful glimpses of the waves of the English, African Americans, Irish, Jews, and Italians each focus on one representative of each group such as Pyrrhus Concer and Margaret Olivia Slocum Sage, Sag Harbor's great benefactor. OPEN SUNDAYS 1-4 PM UNTIL OCTOBER 11TH. ADMISSION IS FREE; A DONATION IS GREATLY APPRECIATED.
Celebrating National Garden Month & April's Earth Day - Plant an Herb Garden
Earth Day is in April and April is National Garden Month. We want to celebrate with you, Saturday April 24th. Young or old, tall or small, come help SHHS plant an herb garden at the Annie Cooper Boyd House at 174 Main Street. Knowing we must still be COVID-concious, attendance at any one time will be limited to no more than four (4) guests and the hours will be between 10 am and 5 pm. Participation is free. Just register by emailing us at or calling 631.725.5092 and leave a message. When you register, please provide your full name, an estimated time you would like to arrive, a phone number and email address, AND your choice of herb: Sage, Lavendar, or Parsley. CHOOSE ONE. You must register by April 22nd. Sign up soon as space is limited and come back often to see how "your garden grows".
Research Your Irish Ancestry
Are there Irish roots in your family tree? Want to learn how to research your Irish ancesters, here and in Ireland. Join Geneaologist Sarah Gutman on Zoom to get started. There's no charge. Adults can register by clicking HERE. Join SHHS and the John Jermain Library for this fun event. Sláinte! (Health!)
At 2:00 p.m. on Sunday December 20th, join SHHS outside the Annie Cooper Boyd House to hear The Dickens Carolers perform and for the presentation of the Holiday Home Decorating awards. SHHS asks everyone to participate by decorating their house for the holiday season. LIGHT UP THE HARBOR! We may not be able to congregate close to one another this year but we can share our holiday greetings and cheer with family, friends, and neighbors. Register your home by emailing a photo to; please include your NAME, ADDRESS, AND preferred EMAIL ADDRESS. Recognition awards will be based upon Creativity, Enthusiasm, and Originality. Bundle up and join us please.

2020 Annual Appeal
The Sag Harbor Historical Society would like to thank our friends and neighbors for their support during this particularly challenging year. We were able to open our exhibit, albeit late, in August,. The exhibit, entitled "Then and Now - A Story of Immigration in Sag Harbor", was presented by long-time SHHS docent Aubrey Peterson and is being held over for the 2021 season by popular demand. As we all quaratined and then masked-up, SHHS worked hard to create an entertaining and educatinal presence on the internet. SHHS now published a bi-weekly eBlast newsletter and we have our own site on Vimeo featuring videos of historic people and places as well as slideshows of our events - the the Suffragettes walking Main Street celebrating the 100th anniversay of the right for women to vote. We hope you are following us everywhere and especially on Facebook.
During these quiet times, SHHS worked on treating and sealing the roof of the Annie Cooper Boyd House and a project to expand the front lawn has recently begun. Our objective is to create an expanded outdoor space which will allow us to conduct educational programs in a socially-distanced outdoor setting. We are trying to be ready for whatever the future may bring, so that we can bring Sag Harbor's rich and colorful history to you.
Everything we do accomplish is due to the tireless efforts of volunteers, trustees, and friends. They are also your friends, neighbors, and sometimes family, and your support affirms their commitment to giving us their valuable, creative time. Please help us by making a generous tax-deductible contribution to our Annual Appeal. Your contributions make a difference.
Annie's Field of Jack O'Lanterns
Come one! Come all! Friday October 30th between 4:00 and 6:00 p.m., bring your carved pumpkins with a battery powered light to the Annie Cooper Boyd House at 174 Main Street in Sag Harbor. They will be displayed along the porch and fence Friday and Saturday, for everyone to see. There will be no extended gathering and the house will not be open but we can still make this season fun. Help us light up Halloween!
(Please remember to wear your mask when you are delivering your Jack O'Lantern.)
"Restoring the Stones" - A Tour of the Old Burying Ground
LOCATION: Old Burying Ground, 34 Union Street PARKING: Old Whalers' Church, 44 Union Street LIMIT: 15 Participants
Tour #3: Sep 5th: "Restoring the Stones"
The burying ground preserves over 350 headstones and footstones, some broken in pieces on the ground, others tilting ominously, or partially buried. Which can be repaired and preserved? Does stone type (brownstone, slate, marble) matter? What methods and materials are used in restoring gravemarkers and can volunteers help? The Robert D.L. Gardiner Foundation recently funded restoration of 20 patriots' gravemarkers in the Old Sag Harbor Burying Ground, and their conditions and treatments illustrate the range of techniques available in the preservation of historic headstones.
Zach Studenroth, who is a principal in the Burying Ground Preservation Group, Inc. and an historic preservation consultant to the Village of Sag Harbor, will be hosting 3 tours of the Old Burying Ground on the 6 Sundays between August 1st and September 5th. He'll run the program of three tours, each with a separate theme, twice. Tours are sponsored by the Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) - Southampton Colony Chapter, in partnership with the Sag Harbor Historical Society. Recent restoration work on the 20 American Revolutionary War patriots' gravesites, funded in part by the Robert D.L. Gardiner Foundation, will be featured in the tours.
FEE: Members free; Non-members $10. Check-in and payments (cash or check payable to SHHS please) at the Burying Ground on the day of the event
100-Year Anniversary of the Right for Women to Vote
If you see two suffragettes on Main Street in Sag Harbor on August 26th between 10:00 and 12:00, you will not be hallucinating. Originating at the Sag Harbor Historical Society, Bonnie Grice and Karen Campbell (both SHHS Trustees) wwill be marking the day, August 26, 1920, that the Secretary of State certified the ratification of the 19th Amendment to the Constitution - the first step in giving all women the right to vote. A long, arduous endeavor that began in 1840 and culminated in 1920 ... for some. It would take another five decades before black women would be able to vote. Wearing period clothes, you will not be able to miss our pamphlet-toting suffregettes, encouraging evryone to vote.

Opening Exhibit: "Then & Now: A Story of Immigration in Sag Harbor"
Aubrey Peterson, a 17-year-old high school senior and SHHS docent since his sixth-grade year, curated this year's exhibit, "Then & Now: A Story of Immigration in Sag Harbor". "All of us came from somewhere," says Aubrey in an interview with the Sag Harbor Express, "save for the Native Americans who have been here 11,000 years." Through a sequence of story boards, Aubrey encapsulates the immigartion history of Sag Harbor with snapshots beginning with the Native Americans through to today's "new arrivals". Meaningful glimpses of the waves of the English, African Americans, Irish, Jews, and Italians each focus on one representative of each group such as Pyrrhus Concer and Margaret Olivia Slocum Sage, Sag Harbor's great benefactor. OPEN SUNDAYS 1-4 PM UNTIL OCTOBER 11TH. ADMISSION IS FREE; A DONATION IS GREATLY APPRECIATED.

CANCELLED: "Savoring Sag Harbor's History" 2020 Gala Event
This year's Gala Event, "Savoring Sag Harbor & its History", will be held on the lawn of the Custom House at 192 Main Street. Focus for the event will be on the history of the Custom House including its relocation and preservation by Governor Charles Edison and the Old Sagg Harbour Committee. Complementing these endeavors to savor Sag Harbor's history, our guests will also savor the delicacies of ten of Sag Harbor's restaurants: The American Hotel, Cavaniola's Gourmet Cheese Shop, Dopo La Spiaggia, K Pasa, Lulu Kitchen & Bar, Page at 63 Main, Provisions, Sen, Tutto Il Giorno, and Wolffer Kitchen. Libations will be provided by Sagaponack Farm Distillery, Wolffer Estate Vineyard and Zachys Wine & Liquor
The mission of the Sag Harbor Historical Society is to promote and encourage public education and appreciation with respect to the history of the Village of Sag Harbor, and to foster and otherwise work for the preservation of its historic buildings, sites and other materials. The Society maintains two historic sites: the museum building housed in one of the oldest homes in Sag Harbor and the 1916 jailhouse.
General Admission Tickets each $150
Support Us Through A Sponsorship
American Beauty COVID-19 Appeal
We need your help in these challenging times. Please donate $50 or more and receive a copy of Sag Harbor - The Story of an American Beauty, the history of Sag Harbor, by fourth generation-local Dorothy Ingersoll Zaykowski.

POSTPONED: 2020 Exhibits - Long Wharf Archaeology & Sag Harbor's Immigrant History
SHHS has two exhibits this year showing between May 18 and Oct 14 on Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays between 1:00 and 4:00 p.m. and by appointment:
Long Wharf Archaeology & Havens Beach Over Time, curated by Jean Held, and
Sag Harbor's Immigrant History created by Aubrey Peterson
Admission is free and donations are greatly appreciated.
POSTPONED: SHHS Annual Meeting and Opening of the 2020 Exhibits
AGENDA includes:
Annual Report
Election of members of the Board of Trustees
2020 SHHS Exhibits
June 26th Gala - "Savoring Sag Harbor and its History"
Long Wharf Archaeology & Havens Beach Over Time by Jean Held
Sag Harbor's Immigrant History by Aubrey Peterson
"Four Who Gave the Supreme Sacrifice in WWII" by Ed Deyermond
2019 Annual Appeal
Annual Appeal